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What Does an Attorney Do Every Day?

Attorneys work in many different fields and perform a variety of tasks. If you’re interested in becoming an attorney, understanding what they do each day can help you decide if this is the right career for you.

When choosing an attorney, look for communication skills, experience, and personal chemistry. You should also ask about their success rate and how quickly they can get started on your case. Contact Atlanta Birth Injury Attorney now!

Attorneys advocate for their clients’ interests in legal proceedings. They explain the legal process to their clients, empowering them to make informed decisions. They also negotiate with prosecutors to ensure that their client receives the best possible outcome for their case.

Depending on the case, this may include challenging evidence, such as police reports and witness statements, as well as filing motions to challenge the prosecution’s narrative of the events in question. Defense attorneys also conduct thorough research to find potential loopholes and flaws in the prosecution’s case, which they can use as leverage when preparing their client’s defense.

As a legal professional, your attorney is bound by ethical principles when it comes to representing clients. These principles dictate that your lawyer must zealously pursue the client’s legitimate interests, within the bounds of the law. This means that your lawyer must not violate the law or disclose confidential information about your case to others.

If a client commits perjury, your lawyer is duty-bound to report it to the court. In addition, your lawyer must promptly remonstrate with the client privately. If the client persists in offering perjured testimony, your lawyer must consider withdrawing from representation.

The attorney-client privilege protects confidential communications between a lawyer and her client. This is vital to ensuring that your attorney can effectively represent you in the legal process and fight for your rights. However, if your attorney communicates with anyone other than you about your case, this communication may be considered unauthorized and could result in the loss of your defense.

Attorneys must be licensed to practice in their jurisdiction. Having a license to practice law means that you have passed the bar exam, which examines your knowledge of the laws in your state or country and your ability to pass on that knowledge to others. Additionally, attorneys must maintain a high level of professionalism throughout their career, which includes passing regular ethics checks. These checks are designed to keep attorneys on the right side of the law and ensure that they are upstanding members of society.

Researches and Analyzes Legal Issues

Legal analysis is the process of examining and analyzing laws, precedents, regulations and other legal frameworks to understand how they apply to a specific case or situation. This skill is essential for legal professionals, as it allows them to make informed decisions that align with their clients’ goals and objectives. It also helps them develop persuasive arguments that support their position in court.

Conducting legal research involves identifying relevant statutes and case law, interpreting them and reaching a well-reasoned conclusion based on their analysis. This requires a thorough understanding of the legal landscape, including both primary and secondary sources, such as scholarly articles and legal commentaries. In addition, it is important to stay updated on legal news and developments to ensure that your work is up-to-date and relevant.

To conduct legal research effectively, it is helpful to start by clearly defining the issue you are investigating. Determine the relevant legal question or problem, as well as any desired outcome or facilitation, which will guide your research so that you can find the best possible information. The next step is to identify the legal issues at play and the key terms or concepts involved. You can then use legal databases to locate primary sources such as statutes, regulations and case law, followed by secondary resources like scholarly articles and legal commentaries.

Once you have located all of the pertinent information, you need to analyze it to understand how the laws apply to your client’s case. This includes assessing the historical context of a statute, for example by researching the debates and committee reports that led to its enactment. This can help you understand the intent of lawmakers and apply the statute accordingly.

Once you have fully analyzed the available information, you must draw a conclusion and present it to your client in a way that is easy to understand. This is where the IRAC method can come in handy, as it provides a structured approach to legal analysis that legal professionals can follow to produce well-reasoned arguments. The IRAC method also enables them to streamline their research by focusing on the most relevant aspects of the legal issue at hand.

Negotiates and Drafts Legal Documents

An attorney’s expertise can be invaluable when negotiating and drafting legal documents. Whether it’s a contract, pleading, will, or other legal document, attorneys spend a great deal of time carefully crafting the terms and conditions to ensure accuracy, consistency, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. This process requires a high level of precision, as even the slightest misstep can have a major impact on the document’s interpretation and enforcement.

A well-drafted contract will accurately reflect a party’s intentions and protect its rights. However, a poorly-drafted document can be subject to disputes and costly legal challenges. Therefore, it’s critical that an attorney carefully craft and meticulously review all legal documents before they’re submitted for approval.

Drafting legal documents often involves back-and-forth discussions between lawyers and their clients. Each draft is reviewed, revised, and modified to ensure that the document accurately captures the parties’ intentions and that it complies with all applicable laws. During this process, attorneys must take an active role in guiding their clients through the various facets of a legal document so that they can make informed decisions about the terms and conditions to include in the agreement.

During the negotiation process, an attorney will research and gather as much information about the other party as possible. This can include researching public records and conducting background checks to determine the party’s financial stability, business history, reputation, and past dealings. During this stage, an attorney will also try to establish a relationship of trust and credibility with their client by showing empathy and understanding what the other party is looking for in the agreement.

An experienced attorney can help a client avoid costly mistakes by providing an objective, outside perspective during negotiations and contract reviews. Owners of businesses are often influenced by profit, loss, marketing, and other competing factors that can cloud their judgment when reviewing legal documents.

A legal department can streamline the contract review and negotiation process by leveraging AI technology to review and approve legal documents. With an AI-leveraged platform, legal teams can focus on higher-value strategic goals while ensuring smarter contracts and faster negotiations through a fast, accurate review and automated analysis.

Manages Cases

Case management holds the intricate legal web together, helping lawyers and law firms work efficiently. It involves a variety of processes and technologies, including client intake, scheduling, legal research, document management, communication and collaboration, data security and archives, and more.

Attorneys are often faced with a high volume of cases and a tight deadline schedule that requires them to work efficiently. They need to meet court-imposed deadlines, prepare arguments and other legal paperwork, attend depositions and hearings, and communicate with clients. Additionally, many attorneys must meet with clients in-person or over the phone and must respond to emails. This can be a challenge to keep track of, especially when working with multiple clients simultaneously.

The key to successful case management is staying organized and being able to prioritize tasks. An attorney should create a checklist of responsibilities for each case, and regularly check in with team members to see what progress has been made and identify any potential issues that may arise. It’s also important to communicate with clients about budgets and fees upfront, so there are no surprises. This helps build trust and fosters a sense of transparency, which can reduce friction and improve the quality of client relationships.

A good attorney case management tool should provide an easy way to organize files, automate meetings and reminders, and make it easier for clients to pay invoices on time. Many tools also include transcription software that enables you to record interviews and redact identifying information from video footage, while customizable user permissions ensure that your clients’ sensitive data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Finally, a good attorney case management tool will also allow you to share files with clients online in a secure, encrypted environment. This can eliminate back-and-forth email threads and speed up approval times, while making it easier for you to review comments in real-time and collect digital signatures. Ideally, your case management tool will have full mobile integration so that you can access your files from anywhere on any device. This is particularly important if you’re on the go, as many law firms need to travel for cases or conduct depositions away from their home base.

What Does a Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Car Accident Lawyer Maryland helps victims recover compensation for their injuries and losses. This can include medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and more.

A good lawyer can also help you file a claim with insurance companies. They can also review your case and ensure you receive all the damages you are entitled to.

Getting into a car accident is one of the most stressful and complicated experiences a person can face. Trying to get medical attention while dealing with insurance companies and property damage can be overwhelming. That’s why having skilled lawyers on your side is so important. Car accident attorneys can help you with the legal process so that you can focus on healing from your injuries. They can also help you get compensation for non-economic damages, like pain and suffering, which are more difficult to quantify than other damages.


Car Accident Lawyers are familiar with the types of documentation required to support your claim for compensation. They can help you gather necessary documents like medical records, police reports, witness statements, and photographs. They also know how to find the best experts to support your case. They may use their own investigators or rely on outside sources. They may even recreate the accident scene if that will help build your case.

A good Car Accident Lawyer will take the time to listen to all of your concerns and needs. They will assess the facts of your case and determine what the maximum amount of damages would be if you were fully recovered. This includes your current and future medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. It also takes into account your emotional impact.

Your Car Accident Lawyer will ensure that you get the full compensation to which you are entitled. They will work to get you a higher settlement from the insurance company or file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver if an adequate offer is not made. They will also work to make sure that you are compensated for your underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage, if applicable.

The New York State law requires you to carry a minimum of 30 days No-Fault coverage with your vehicle insurer. This allows you to recover for your medical expenses and lost earnings, even if the at-fault driver has no insurance or has only minimal insurance. A good Car Accident Lawyer will make sure that you submit all the information needed for a No-Fault claim within the required 30-day period, or if your injuries are significant and permanent, that you bring a personal injury lawsuit to obtain a fair settlement.

Car accidents can be traumatic and expensive experiences. A Car Accident Lawyer can help you get the financial compensation you need to rebuild your life after a crash. They can negotiate with insurance companies and work to get you the maximum possible compensation for your injury, loss of income, and property damage. They can also help you seek compensation from other parties, such as the manufacturer of a defective product or a negligent municipality.


During settlement negotiations, your car accident lawyer will be able to communicate with insurance companies in a professional and effective manner. They can also help you gather and store documentation and backup copies for your case, ensuring that all legal requirements are met. The negotiation process may take several months to complete, so it’s important to be patient and work closely with your attorney throughout the process.

The goal of settlement negotiations is to reach a fair compensation offer that adequately covers your losses and damages. An experienced lawyer will assess your damages and negotiate a fair resolution that takes into account current and future medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, emotional trauma, and any potential long-term consequences of the accident.

Car accident lawyers have extensive experience negotiating with insurance companies to secure maximum settlements for their clients. Insurance adjusters will often offer low-ball settlement offers to settle your claim quickly, but these offers do not reflect the full extent of your injuries and losses. Car accident attorneys can craft a demand letter that clearly outlines your injuries, damages, and loss of earnings to ensure that your settlement reflects the true value of your case.

An experienced lawyer can also help you understand the terminology and terms used by insurance adjusters to make it easier for you to evaluate their offers and negotiate a higher settlement. They can also advise you on the risks and benefits of accepting an insurance settlement and file a lawsuit in court, if necessary.

The settlement process requires a lot of time and effort to complete, but it is worth it in the end to secure maximum compensation for your car accident injury. An experienced attorney will provide valuable guidance and expertise in pursuing the highest possible settlement, so you can move forward with your life. They can also assist with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options such as mediation or arbitration. If these methods fail, your car accident lawyer can recommend filing a lawsuit against the at-fault parties to pursue your claims in court. This will require discovery and depositions, with the final decision being made by a judge or jury.

Courtroom Experience

Car accident lawyers often have experience representing clients in court. They know how to present the facts of the case in a way that is understandable to judges and juries. They are also familiar with local laws and processes that can affect how long it takes to resolve a case.

The right lawyer will make sure that your legal rights are protected from start to finish. They will work with the insurance companies to negotiate a fair settlement, or, if necessary, take your case to trial. This can be an important step if the other driver’s insurance company is unwilling to settle.

Your attorney will review your case details to determine the level of liability and calculate your damages. They will also investigate the accident scene to collect evidence and witness statements. They will work closely with accident reconstruction specialists to examine the scene and reconstruct the events leading up to your accident. This will help to establish a clear picture of what happened and who was at fault.

A good lawyer will also consider whether you have underinsured motorist coverage (UIM) on your policy to cover medical expenses and other damages. They will also inquire about your own personal injury protection (PIP) coverage in case the at-fault party does not have enough insurance to cover your claim.

A seasoned Car Accident Lawyer will have a strong record of success in settling cases through negotiations with insurance companies. They will have a deep understanding of insurance law, including the nuances of policies and coverage limits. They will also have a network of experts, including accident reconstruction professionals and medical professionals, to support your case. They will also work to get lien holders to reduce their liens, so that more of the settlement goes to you. This is an important skill, and a lawyer with this kind of experience will be far more likely to settle your case than someone without it. This is especially true in high-value cases.

Why You Need a Birth Injury Attorney

When a medical mistake occurs before, during, or after delivery it can change a family’s life forever. An experienced birth injury attorney can help parents get compensation for their losses.

Legally, a birth injury case focuses on showing the defendants’ actions violated their duty of care. This involves using medical guidelines and expert testimony. Contact Atlanta Birth Injury Attorney now!

The birth of a child is an exciting time for parents, but medical negligence during delivery can cause a lifetime of suffering. A good birth injury attorney can help you and your family get the financial compensation you need to cover medical expenses, therapy, education, equipment, and other needs.

A skilled lawyer will carefully examine your case and gather evidence, including medical records and witness statements. They will also work with experts in the field to determine if the doctor violated the professional standard of care and whether that negligence directly caused your child’s injuries. A successful claim requires a thorough evaluation of the case and strong evidence of malpractice, so be sure to choose a birth injury attorney with experience in this field.

While it is not always possible to recover financial compensation for a medical mistake, it is important to fight for the best possible outcome for your family. A good birth injury attorney will be able to negotiate with insurance companies, as well as hospitals and doctors, on your behalf. They will also have the skills necessary to file a lawsuit if it becomes necessary.

Many families struggle to pay for the ongoing treatment of their child’s injuries due to medical negligence. Children with severe injuries, like cerebral palsy, paralysis from nerve damage, and traumatic brain injury, need ongoing medical care, therapies, medication, accommodations in school and at home, and more. A good birth injury attorney can help you fight for the financial compensation needed to meet these expenses and give your child a better quality of life.

Medical malpractice claims are complex, and yours will be no exception. Often, the healthcare providers involved in a birth injury lawsuit have their own liability insurance, and most people do not want to take on these corporations on their own. That is why you should choose a New York birth injury attorney who has extensive experience in these cases.

It is also crucial to find a birth injury attorney who will not charge you upfront for their services. Most lawyers working in personal injury and medical malpractice law work on a contingency fee basis, which means they will cover all the costs associated with your case, and you will only pay them if they successfully win a settlement or verdict for you. These fees are usually about 33%-40% of the final award.

Access to Experts

A birth injury attorney can help you build a strong case by assembling expert testimony, retrieving medical records and other documentation, and fighting for compensation that covers your family’s losses. They can also take over communications with insurance companies and ensure that you meet all legal deadlines. They may recommend settling out of court to speed up the process and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Many parents are devastated to learn that their child suffered a birth injury caused by negligence. It can be difficult to focus on anything else when you’re dealing with this new reality. Your child’s future can look bleak and you may have to pay for their lifetime care costs, including medical treatments and therapy, medication, and specialized equipment. In addition, you may need to hire a nurse to help with your child’s day-to-day needs.

An experienced birth injury lawyer will be familiar with laws in your state that govern malpractice and can determine whether the doctor or hospital in question was negligent. They will also be able to assist you in gathering the necessary evidence that shows how your child’s injury could have been prevented. They will also know how to value your child’s injuries and be able to negotiate for a higher settlement offer than you might get on your own.

The best birth injury attorneys will not charge you upfront fees and work on a contingency basis. This means they will only receive payment for their services if they win the case and are awarded compensation.

A skilled birth injury attorney will provide a free case evaluation to find out how much your family may be entitled to in terms of damages. They will also explain how the law applies to your situation and what your rights are. They will be able to tell you if the doctor was negligent and what your options are for pursuing a claim. They will also be able to advise you on how long you have to file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations expires. You should speak to a trusted lawyer as soon as possible so that they can begin working on your case.

Knowledge of the Law

A family’s financial future can be shattered when their child suffers a birth injury. The lifetime costs of caring for a child with cerebral palsy, for example, can be as high as $1 Million, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. An experienced birth injury lawyer can help families obtain compensation to offset these enormous expenses.

A legal claim can recover compensatory damages, including past and future medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, therapy and treatments, medication, specialized equipment, and loss of earnings due to time away from work to care for the injured child. Non-economic damages like pain and suffering can also be awarded. In cases of extreme negligence or recklessness, punitive damages may be awarded as a way to punish and deter similar behavior in the future.

The process of filing a legal claim is complex, but an experienced attorney can save families time and money. An attorney will handle all communication with the insurance company and other parties, file the lawsuit on your behalf, and ensure that all legal deadlines are met. They will also gather evidence and expert testimony to prove liability, assemble a case strategy, and negotiate for a fair settlement.

To win a birth injury case, it is essential to demonstrate that a healthcare provider breached their standard of care during the pregnancy and delivery, directly resulting in harm. This requires the use of medical records, expert testimony, and a thorough analysis of the situation. An experienced birth injury attorney will know what criteria to meet to prove malpractice occurred and how to effectively present this information in court.

Injuries sustained during the birthing process can be catastrophic and life-altering for the entire family. Parents are often unprepared for the long-term costs of care, and they can be under immense pressure to accept lowball offers from insurers. An experienced birth injury attorney can evaluate the true value of your case and fight for a fair settlement that covers all of your family’s needs. This can alleviate some of the stress associated with caregiving and improve your family’s quality of life.


When medical workers make a mistake during childbirth, they may cause serious injuries that affect the entire family. These injuries can include physical, emotional, and financial costs. Parents can recover compensation for these losses. They can also receive punitive damages for egregious cases of negligence or recklessness.

When selecting a birth injury attorney, look for one with a good reputation in the legal community and among their peers. A lawyer with a strong reputation will have a history of successfully litigating medical malpractice claims and other personal injury cases. Their professional accomplishments and recognition may include membership in relevant organizations, published articles, and speaking engagements.

A good birth injury lawyer will also have a comprehensive understanding of the law in this area. They will know how to evaluate evidence, interview witnesses, and file a lawsuit. They will also know how to negotiate with insurance companies and win a fair settlement for their clients.

Medical malpractice cases typically settle out of court, and birth injury claims are no exception. Many doctors and hospitals do not want the negative publicity that comes with a trial. Besides, a jury could award a large verdict against them.

An experienced lawyer will know how to prove that a doctor, midwife, or nurse violated their duty of care by making an error during labor and delivery. To do so, they will review medical records and interview witnesses. They will also consult with experts in the field.

In most medical malpractice cases, a jury will consider both negligence and wrongful death. Negligence refers to a doctor or other medical professional’s failure to provide quality care consistent with the standard of care under the circumstances. A medical mistake, on the other hand, is an error that a competent doctor would not have made in the same situation.

In cases of severe injuries like cerebral palsy or brachial plexus injury, attorneys will often plead both theories of liability. In addition to the cost of medical bills, parents can recover economic damages for past and future lost income if they must change careers or take time off from work. Non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life activities, and the loss of consortium, may also be awarded.

What Does a Lawyer Do?

Probate is the legal process for transferring assets from a deceased person to their heirs. It involves a lot of deadlines, tasks, and laws to follow. A personal representative – sometimes called an executor – oversees probate proceedings. They are responsible for inventorying assets, paying debts, and distributing property.

A lawyer is a person who is licensed to practice law.


The term lawyer is used to describe a person who is licensed to practice law. To become a lawyer, an individual must graduate from law school and pass the bar exam in their state. A lawyer at https://jdblawfirm.com/ also takes continuing legal education courses to keep their license. In addition, they must adhere to the rules of ethics and professional responsibility.

A lawyer is someone who practices the law, either in the courts or private settings. Lawyers can help clients with a variety of issues, including estate planning, divorce, and criminal defense. They can also assist with business matters. There are many different types of lawyers, including general practitioners and specialist attorneys. General practitioners are licensed to handle all kinds of cases, while specialist attorneys focus on a specific area of the law.

Probate is the process of settling an estate after someone dies. It can be a long and complicated process, but it’s necessary in order to transfer ownership of assets to loved ones. During probate, the court will review the deceased’s will and determine if it is valid and enforceable. The court will also approve the executor of the estate and oversee the closing of the estate.

If a person doesn’t have a will, the court will use intestate succession laws to determine who gets their assets. This can be a more complicated process, as the administrator of the estate must locate all of the assets, identify the heirs, and pay any debts owed by the estate.

There are ways to avoid the need for probate, such as creating a living trust or jointly owning property with someone else. However, it’s important to talk to a qualified estate planner to understand the process and your options. In some states, there are also simplified versions of probate that can make the process easier and faster.

A lawyer can represent clients in court.

While probate is often seen as intimidating or complex, it is actually a necessary step in honoring your loved one’s wishes after they pass away. Probate is the court-supervised process of determining heirs, paying creditors and distributing assets. Although laws and procedures vary by state, the basic steps are similar. To start, someone (usually your Executor or lawyer) must notify the court of the death and submit a copy of the death certificate. Then, a Personal Representative is appointed to oversee distribution of the estate.

During the probate process, the Executor or Personal Representative will inventory and identify all of the deceased’s property, have it appraised, pay any debts and taxes owed on the estate and distribute assets according to the will. In some states, the Executor or Personal Representative must post a bond (also known as a fiduciary bond) to ensure that they follow state law and provide financial accountability to beneficiaries. The cost of the bond is usually paid out of the estate.

Another part of the probate process is to locate any legal heirs and inform them of their rights. This is generally done by publishing notices in newspapers and other forms of communication. Some states also require the Executor or Personal Representative to notify creditors and inform them of the death. There are typically fees associated with this process as well.

The final stage of probate is to submit the completed estate report to the court. The judge will review the report and approve the final distribution of assets to the beneficiaries. The judge may also make changes to the will or trust if they find that it is not appropriate.

There are several costs associated with probate, including legal fees, estate administration costs and publication costs for public notices. The amount of these expenses depends on the size of the estate and the complexity of the case. The estate administrator or Executor is also entitled to compensation for their services, which can be up to five percent of the value of the estate.

Many people want to avoid the probate process by creating a will or living trust. However, probate is still required for many people who die. The best way to avoid probate is to own your assets jointly with someone else or move them into a living trust.

A lawyer can help clients with estate planning.

If you have a large estate, you should consider working with an estate planning attorney to protect your property and family. They can assist with a variety of issues that arise in the event of death and provide legal advice on state and federal law. They can also help you prepare your documents and ensure they are compliant with local laws. Additionally, they can assist with unique family and financial situations, such as disabilities, second marriages, high-value assets, or owning property in other states.

Estate planning is the process of creating a legally binding document that sets out your wishes for the disposal of your assets and property after your death. A lawyer specializing in this area of the law can help you draft your documents and provide advice on how to avoid probate. They can also advise you on taxation issues. In addition, they can make recommendations on retaining other professionals such as financial planners and insurance agents.

Probate is a court-supervised process that validates a deceased person’s will, pays their final debts and distributes their estate to the proper beneficiaries. While state laws vary, the process is similar across the country. It can be time consuming and expensive, and the court-supervised nature makes it public record. It can take months or years to settle a case.

In some cases, a lawyer can help you avoid probate by setting up trusts and other estate-planning devices. This can speed up the transfer of your assets and avoid a long and complicated probate process. It can also reduce the number of fees that may be incurred, such as executor’s and attorney’s fees.

A New York estate planning attorney can assist you with the creation of a comprehensive estate plan that meets your individual needs and goals. They can guide you through the complicated and emotionally difficult estate-planning process, while protecting your loved ones’ interests and privacy. An experienced attorney can also help you navigate the complicated probate process, reducing its duration and cost. They can also advise you on how to minimize taxes and expenses.

A lawyer can help clients with other legal matters.

A lawyer can help clients with other legal matters, including estate planning. This process involves creating a document that specifies how a person’s assets should be distributed after their death. It also specifies who will manage the estate and settle any debts. This document is called a will or testament. It can be a simple or complex document, depending on the client’s needs and situation. A lawyer can also assist clients with the formation of other legal entities, such as corporations and partnerships. In addition, a lawyer can help with the creation and maintenance of trusts.

In addition to distributing assets, the probate process also settles any debts and taxes owed by the deceased. It can take a long time to complete, especially if the estate is complex or contested. Additionally, the cost of probate can be high. Attorney fees, executor fees, and other administrative costs can add up quickly. A lawyer can also help clients avoid probate by establishing a revocable trust.

The first step in the probate process is to submit the death certificate to the local court. Once the court validates the will, it will appoint the executor of the estate. Then, the executor will contact beneficiaries to notify them of the proceedings. They will also publish a notice in the newspaper to allow anyone who is owed money by the estate to file a claim.

If the will is contested, the judge will review it and may decide to set aside the will or part of it. In this case, the estate’s assets will be distributed according to state law. In addition, the judge may require the executor to post a bond. This is a guarantee that the executor will follow all state laws and the terms of the will. If he or she fails to do so, family members can file a claim against the bond.

In some states, the probate process is simplified for small estates. However, in other states, probate is required for all estates over a certain amount. For example, in New York, the value of a person’s remaining assets must be more than $30,000 to require a probate proceeding.